1A: Gamification in Legal Research Instruction
Shannon Kemen, University of Cincinnati College of Law Library
Session description
1B: Leading in Your Library: Developing your Leadership Strategy
SHS River Front Room
Allison Reeve, Littler Mendelson, P.C. , and Matthew Timko, Northern Illinois University College of Law
Session description.
2A: The Stoic Librarian
SHS Gazebo Room
Susan Boland, University of Cincinnati
Session description.
Slides (PPTX)| Slides (PDF) Bibliography (Word)
2B: Winning at Library Orientation: Washburn Law's Amazing Library Race
SHS Main Street Room
Creighton J. Miller, Jr., and Barbara Ginzburg, Washburn University School of Law Library
Session description.
3A: Cracking the Code: Teaching the Value of Legal Citation
SHS River Front Room
Heather J. E. Simmons, Matthew E. Braun, and Anne E. Robbins, University of Illinois College of Law Library
Session description.
Slides (PPTX) | Slides | (PDF) Handout (Word)
3B: Keeping Up the Hype: Maintaining Library Relevance and Prominence after the Change Wears Off
SHS Gazebo Room
Jill Kilgore and Allison Reeve, Littler Mendelson, P.C.
(Program runs until 4:45 p.m.)
Session description.
4A: Learning to Exhale: Simple Mindfulness Solutions for Every Law Library
SHS Gazebo Room
Heidi Frostestad Kuehl, Northern Illinois University, and Susan Urban, Oklahoma City University
Session description.
4B: They Don’t Teach This in Library School: Identifying Ethics in Legal Librarianship
SHS River Front Room
Sarah Peterson Herr and Allison Reeve, Littler Mendelson, P.C.
Session description.
6B: Poster Session
Answering the Call for Wellness in the Legal Profession
Karen Wallace, Drake University Law Library
Poster description.Poster (PDF)
Creating Subject Specific Advanced Legal Research Classes
Anne Hudson, DePaul University College of Law
Poster description.Poster (PDF)
Developing an Integrated Mobile App: A Win-Win for the Law Library and Law School
Eric Young and Sarah Kammer, University of South Dakota Law Library
Poster description.Poster (PDF)
The Gamification of the Legal Research Classroom
Blake Wilson and Chris Steadham, University of Kansas School of Law Wheat Law Library
Poster description.Poster (PDF)
UELMA and MAALL: Let's Get to Work!
Matt Timko, Northern Illinois University
Poster description.Poster (PDF)
7A: Developing a Winning Strategy for Library Facilities Management in Three Easy Steps . . . Well, more than three, but who's counting . . .
School of Law, Level 2 Room 244
Sandra B. Placzek, Schmid Law Library, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and Candle Wester, University of South Carolina School of Law
Session description.
Bibliography (PDF) | Slides (PPTX) | Slides (PDF)
8A: Indexing the Nebraska Transcript: Who, What, Where, Why and How; Or How You Might Approach Indexing a Publication Unique to Your Institution
School of Law, Level 2 Room 244
Sandy Placzek, Schmid Law Library, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Session description.
8B: Winning Strategies for Effectively Tracking and Using Data
School of Law, Level 2 Room 226
Rob Myers, Case Western Reserve University School of Law, John Edwards, Drake University Law Library (due to flight delay, Rebecca Lutkenhaus Drake University, filled this role), Allen Moye and Denise Glynn, DePaul University College of Law, and Jennifer Prilliman, Oklahoma City University
Session description.
10A: ALLStAR Workshop, Part 1
School of Law, Level 2 Room 244
Bob Dugan, NELLCO, ALLStAR Project Manager
Session description.
ALLStAR home page | ALLStAR Benchmarking Help: Videos, Documents, Email, and Links to Workshops
10B: Winning Strategies for Tech Tool Success
School of Law, Level 2 Room 226
Leslie Behroozi, Marquette University Law Library, Sarah Kammer, University of South Dakota McKusick Law Library, Rebecca Lutkenhaus, Drake University Law Library, Courtney Segota, University of South Dakota McKusick Law Library, and Susan Urban, Oklahoma City University Law Library
Session description.
Prezi (web)
11A: ALLStAR Workshop, Part 2
School of Law, Level 2 Room 244
Bob Dugan, NELLCO, ALLStAR Project Manager
Session description.
ALLStAR home page | ALLStAR Benchmarking Help: Videos, Documents, Email, and Links to Workshops
11B: Challenging Conventional Wisdom: Conducting Empirical Research to Help Yourself and Others
School of Law, Level 2 Room 226
Stefanie Pearlman, Schmid Law Library, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and Karen Wallace, Drake University Law Library
Session description.
Prezi (web) | Persuasive Authority and the Nebraska Supreme Court (web) | Iowa Supreme Court Use of Legislative History (web)