2650 University Ave. Des Moines, IA 50311
If you are driving:
Google directions available from the hotel location page. The parking lot is behind the hotel. Note: if you are driving eastbound on I-235, you will pass a speed camera shortly after the 56th St exit, not long before you exit to Drake at 31st St.
If you are flying:
The hotel does not have an airport shuttle service. You can meet your Uber, Lyft, or taxi right outside of baggage claim.
From the hotel to the Law School
The conference hotel is directly across the street from Drake University. The Law Library is .2 miles from the hotel. See the maps page for more detail about conference event locations and directions.
If you were not able to book a room at the Hilton and need to park on campus, please email john.edwards@drake.edu by October 7 and indicate the days on which you will need a parking pass.
MAALL's room block rates have expired.
To check current room availability and rates, please contact Tara Platt, Director of Sales & Marketing, Home2 Suites.
515-264-7960 ext 3
Please provide her with
MAALL on Twitter: http://twitter.com/MAALLibraries
Conference hashtag: #MAALL23