Registration desk open
Location: Drury Lobby
Registration desk open
Location: Drury 4th Floor Lobby
MALLCO Roundtable: Acquisitions and Collection Development
Location: Sacagawea
* Needra Jackson
MALLCO Roundtable: Reference and Faculty Services
Location: Lewis
* Susan Boland
MALLCO Roundtable: Institutional Repository
Location: Lewis
* Cindy Bassett
Snack Break
MALLCO Paper Workshop
Location: Sacagawea
* Jessie Burchfield
Session Description
MALLCO Roundtable: Resource Sharing
Location: Lewis
* Susan Urban
PLI Vendor Demo
Location: Lewis
MAALL Welcome Lunch - Sponsored by Thomson Reuters
Location: Carmine's
Thinking Outside of the Box: Expanding the Library's Role
Location: Sacagawea
* Erika Cohn, St. Louis University School of Law
* Michael Whiteman, University of Cincinnati College of Law
* Eric Young, University of South Dakota
* Joyce McCray Pearson, Washington University School of Law (Moderator)
* Allen Moye, DePaul University (Moderator)
Get in the Spirit: Learner-Centered Teaching for Success
Location: Lewis
* Ted Potter, University of Iowa Law Library
Location: York
*Suggested activity: Heads Up 7 Up
Bloomberg Vendor Demo
Location: Lewis
New Roles for Librarians in Teaching Law Practice Technology
Location: Sacagawea
* Darin Fox, University of Oklahoma School of Law
* John Edwards, Drake University School of Law
* Allison Reeve Davis, Littler Mendelson
Session Description
Going Online
Location: Lewis
*Therese Clarke Arado, Northern Illinois University College of Law Library
Reception Washington University School of Law
Dine Arounds
Sign up now or at the registration desk.
Registration desk open
Location: Drury 4th Floor Lobby
MAALL Business meeting
Location: Drury West Ballroom- 1st Floor (Help yourself to the regular hotel breakfast and bring it in to the West Ballroom (LaSalle and Lafayette rooms) across from main elevator banks on 1st floor.)
Get in the Spirit! Stay in the Spirit!
Location: Sacagawea
* Allison Murphy, Littler Mendelson
* Sarah Peterson-Herr, Littler Mendelson
Session Description
Spirit-generating Student Videos and Podcasts
Location: Lewis
* Anne Robbins, University of Illinois College of Law
* Matthew Braun, University of Illinois College of Law
A Library Without Books
Location: Sacagawea
* Jackie Lemmer, Littler Mendelson
* Jeannine Linnane, Littler Mendelson
Steering into the Analytic Turn
Location: Lewis
* Matthew Tuegel, Saint Louis University School of Law
Break - Sponsored by Thomson Reuters
Location: York
* Suggested activity: Duck, Duck, Goose
Biases, Misinformation, and Regulating Humans
Location: Sacagawea
* Jill Kilgore, Littler Mendelson
* Autumn Collier, Littler Mendelson
Session Description
Totally Amazing Ideas
Location: Lewis
* Sandy Placzek, University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Law
Keynote luncheon
Location: Drury West Ballroom- 1st Floor (LaSalle and Lafayette Rooms)
Keynote speaker: the Honorable Susan Block, retired St. Louis County Circuit Judge
Procertas Vendor Demo - Will be rescheduled as a webinar after conference
Location: Sacagawea
Showing Our Spirit
Location: Sacagawea
* Stefanie Pearlman, University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Law
* Keelan Weber, University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Law
Session Description
Spirited Teaching
Location: Lewis
* Joyce McCray Pearson, Washington University School of Law *
Dorie Bertram, Washington University School of Law
* Hyla Bondareff, Washington University School of Law
* Aris Woodham, Washington University School of Law
Spirit-generating Webinars and Other Web Conferencing Tools
Location: Sacagawea
* Matthew Braun, University of Illinois College of Law
* Anne Robbins, University of Illinois College of Law
Session Description
MAALL Book to Action: Get in the Spirit of Service!
Location: Lewis
* Cindy Bassett, University of Missouri School of Law
* Gail Wechsler, Law Library Association of St. Louis
MALLCO Board meeting
Location: Joliet
MAALL Committee Chair meeting
Location: Lewis
Hotel Kickback
Location: Drury Lobby (Trivia starts at 6:00 in the West Ballroom - LaSalle and LaFayette Rooms)
Breakfast Buffet
Saint Louis University School of Law 12th Floor Pavilion
MAALL Exec Board meeting
Location: SLU Law, Room 1248
Stepping Up Access to the Indiana Code
Location: SLU Law, Room 1030
* Susan deMaine, Indiana University McKinney School of Law
* Benjamin Keele, Indiana University McKinney School of Law
Session Description
Professional Reading Without the Reading
Location: SLU Law, Room 1032
* Resa Kerns, University of Missouri
* Cindy Shearrer, University of Missouri
The Spirit of Cooperation: Law Journal and Librarians
Location: SLU Law, Room 1030
* Lynn K. Hartke, Saint Louis University School of Law
Session Description
Get in the Spirit of Change!
Location: SLU Law, Room 1032
* Cindy Bassett, University of Missouri School of Law
* Jessie Wallace Burchfield, University of Arkansas- Little Rock School of Law
* Needra Jackson, University of Missouri School of Law
Law School and Law Library tour
Location: SLU, 12th Floor Lobby
Gaming the Ghost in the Machine
Location: SLU Law, Room 1030
* Allison Reeve Davis, Littler Mendelson
* Christopher Steadham, University of Kansas
Session Description
Getting into the Spirit of Service Management
Location: SLU Law, Room 1032
* Susan Boland, University of Cincinnati
Awesome STL Snacks! Location: SLU, 5th Floor Reading Room