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This page provides descriptions of the session programs. For the full schedule, see the mobile friendly page or the complete schedule as a PDF.

Wednesday, Oct. 16 

Wednesday, Oct. 16 4:00–7:00 p.m.

Registration desk open
Location: Drury Lobby

Thursday, Oct. 17

Thursday, Oct. 17 7:45 a.m.–4:00 p.m.

Registration desk open
Location: Drury 4th Floor Lobby

Thursday, Oct. 17 8:00–9:00 a.m.

MALLCO Roundtable: Acquisitions and Collection Development
Location: Sacagawea 
* Needra Jackson, Missouri University School of Law

The Acquisitions and Collection Development Roundtable will cover the following topics in an open discussion and exchange of ideas:

  • Where are law libraries, law firms, and courts focusing their collection development budgets?
  • How would you handle the situation where you have to withdraw major areas of your print collection from the physical premises and you do not have anywhere to relocate them?
  • Open discussion on the trends in acquisitions and collection development.  Members can share their thoughts on the future and direction of acquisitions and collection development.
  • Open forum for any other topics that the members would like to discuss

MALLCO Roundtable: Reference and Faculty Services   
Location: Lewis   
* Susan Boland, University of Cincinnati

Join other Reference and Faculty Services Librarians to discuss trends, issues, and best practices in serving the reference and research needs of all of our patrons. This is always a robust session! . 

Thursday, Oct. 17 9:15–10:15 a.m.

MALLCO Roundtable: Institutional Repository 
Location: Lewis
* Cindy Bassett, University of Missouri School of Law

The Institutional Repository Roundtable is open to anyone who is interested in the topic. There is no requirement that participants be actively involved in a repository or that they use a particular platform.

This year, we will be discussing repositories in general, and more specifically the cooperation we can have with other institutions, including parent institutions. If there is time, we can also discuss metrics generated by repositories and how we should think about and report those metrics.  Participants are also welcome to bring up topics of conversation related to repositories.

Thursday, Oct. 17 10:15–10:30 a.m.

Snack Break

Thursday, Oct. 17 10:30–11:30 a.m.

MALLCO Paper Workshop  
Location: Sacagawea
*Jessie Burchfield, University of Arkansas Little Rock

This will be a true “Workshop.” Come brainstorm ideas for research and publication. In this casual discussion, we will bounce topics off each other, get feedback on proposals, and more! Perhaps you’ll find a co-author or learn more about something that interests you.

MALLCO Roundtable: Resource Sharing   
Location: Lewis
*Susan Urban, MALLCO

The Resource Sharing Roundtable will provide a place for discussion about best practices and trends in interlibrary loan and other resource sharing endeavors. This will be an open forum, so any participant should feel free to bring a topic to the table! To get us started, specific topics might include:

  • Interlibrary loan platforms such as WorldShare, Tipasa, ILLiad and the pros and cons of each
  • Best practices and ideas for measuring the use and value of resource sharing agreements.

Thursday, Oct. 17 11:35–11:50 p.m.

PLI Vendor Demo     
Location: Lewis   

Thursday, Oct. 17 12:00–1:00 p.m.

MAALL Welcome Lunch - Sponsored by Thomson Reuters
Location: Carmine's

* Featuring our AALL VP/Pres-Elect Emily Florio and MALLCO Executive Director Susan Urban    

Thursday, Oct. 17 1:10–1:25 p.m.

LexisNexis Vendor Demo
Location: Sacagawea 

Thursday, Oct. 17 1:30–2:30 p.m.

Thinking Outside of the Box: Expanding the Library's Role  
Location: Sacagawea 
*Joyce McCray Pearson, Washington University School of Law 
*Allen Moye, DePaul University
*Erika Cohn, Saint Louis University School of Law
*Michael Whiteman, University of Cincinnati College of Law
*Eric Young, University of South Dakota

ABA Standards 601 and 605 require that a law school shall maintain a law library that: *provides support through expertise, resources, and services adequate to enable the law school to carry out its program of legal education, accomplish its mission, and support scholarship and research * develop and maintain a direct informed and responsive relationship with the faculty, students and administration of the law school This revised standard represents a shift toward focusing on services and the role that the library can play in helping the law school in its overall mission. This presents an opportunity for many libraries to reinvent themselves and take on new and different roles within their organization. Our panelists are from a cross-section of libraries who will discuss strategies and initiatives that they have instituted to help meet these standards and the new and different ways to deploy library staff to make the best use of their skill and talent.

Get in the Spirit: Learner-Centered Teaching for Success      
Location: Lewis 
*Ted Potter, University of Iowa Law Library

This program is designed to help teachers in all contexts provide the kind of instruction that engages students in active learning. We will discuss some of the literature on adult learning, methods of teaching, and how to focus on helping students go from information consumers to active learners.

Thursday, Oct. 17 2:30–3:00 p.m.

Location: York
*Suggested activity: Heads Up 7 Up

Thursday, Oct. 2:35–2:50 p.m.

Bloomberg Vendor Demo    
Location: Lewis   

Thursday, Oct. 17 3:00–4:00 p.m.

New Roles for Librarians in Teaching Law Practice Technology    
Location: Sacagawea 
*Darin Fox, University of Oklahoma School of Law 
*John Edwards, Drake University School of Law   
*Allison Reeve Davis, Littler Mendelson

Law libraries are increasingly being asked to take on new roles to stay relevant. Many are turning to law practice technology. New courses and programs in such technologies are abounding. This session will discuss not only what technologies and overarching themes are being discussed, but why they are being discussed.

Going Online        
Location: Lewis 
*Therese Clarke Arado, Northern Illinois University College of Law Library

In the past couple of years I have converted my two upper level research classes to online formats. I will discuss the process, benefits, pitfalls and overall experience. Online courses are not just for academia. The lessons learned so far are applicable to all types of libraries and librarians. I hope to receive feedback from participants who have also done this on what has worked and not worked as well as hear ideas to try in the future.

Thursday, Oct. 17 4:30–6:30 p.m.

Reception Washington University School of Law

Thursday, Oct. 17 6:30–9:00 p.m.

Dine Arounds
Sign up now or at the registration desk.

Friday, Oct. 18

Friday, Oct. 18 7:00–12:00 p.m.

Registration desk open
Location: Drury 4th Floor Lobby

Friday, Oct. 18 7:30–8:45 a.m.

MAALL Business meeting 
Location: Drury West Ballroom- 1st Floor  (‪Help yourself to the regular hotel breakfast and bring it in to the West Ballroom (LaSalle and Lafayette rooms) across from main elevator banks on 1st floor.) 


Friday, Oct. 18 9:00–9:45 a.m.

Get in the Spirit! Stay in the Spirit!
Location: Sacagawea 
*Allison Murphy, Littler Mendelson 
*Sarah Peterson-Herr, Littler Mendelson

What does a snarky and wildly optimistic Research Attorney and a crafty and hella’ chill Research Librarian have in common? We have SPIRIT! Join us as we discuss how we bring hype and keep our large research department engaged, motivated, and electrified!

Spirited Productions: How students can use technology to demonstrate learning and communicate content
 Location: Lewis 
*Anne Robbins, University of Illinois College of Law 
*Matthew Braun, University of Illinois College of Law

Presentations have always been a means for students to demonstrate learning.  But, from the humble PowerPoint to more sophisticated techniques like videos and podcasts, assigning and evaluating student-generated, technology-enabled presentations offer their own challenges and opportunities.  The technology and presentation techniques represent a different but allied skill to complement the content of a law school class.  But how does one teach a legal research class while prioritizing both the course content and the sophisticated communication technologies and skills that allow students to share their knowledge with clients, courts, and colleagues?

Friday, Oct. 18, 10:00–10:45 a.m.

A Library Without Books
Location: Sacagawea 
*Jackie Lemmer, Littler Mendelson 
*Jeannine Linnane, Littler Mendelson

Less print doesn’t mean less information. In 2017, our firm decided to eliminate duplication between online and print content by not ordering books where the content was available online. The resource prioritization project freed up significant time and money resources. This allowed the library to focus staff resources on more challenging projects. The presentation will walk through the content analysis process the library used to determine what print to keep and what to cancel; how we gained stakeholder buy in; and how the librarian time spent handling books is now used to create innovative projects.

Steering into the Analytic Turn   
Location: Lewis     
*Matthew Tuegel, Saint Louis University School of Law

With their increased focus on analytics and metrics, libraries are in the midst of what some have termed an analytic turn. This increased focus on metrics and data analytics is characterized by a push to measure and quantify library performance. The use of such performance measurements in assessment, planning, and advocacy, is posited on their ability to provide an objective account of the library’s activities, operations, and accomplishments. To what degree, however, is this type of objective account even possible? Does it matter? By pursuing these questions, this presentation aims to provide some cautions as libraries make the analytic turn.

Friday, Oct. 18 10:45–11:00 a.m.

Break  - Sponsored by Thomson Reuters  
Location: York 
*Suggested activity: Duck, Duck, Goose

Friday, Oct. 18 11:00 a.m.–11:45 p.m.

Biases, Misinformation, and Regulating Humans
Location: Sacagawea 
*Jill Kilgore, Littler Mendelson   
*Autumn Collier, Littler Mendelson

Our session will examine the application of artificial intelligence in the legal community and discuss the human impact of improper use. Information professionals will want to be aware of the potentially problematic implications of AI when used to produce research results.

Totally Amazing Ideas 
Location: Lewis 
*Sandy Placzek, University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Law

Looking for ideas of ways to make your library shine and standout? Maybe market your library in a different way? Don't reinvent the wheel! Investigate what colleagues have already done and see if you can adapt that awesome idea and make it work in your library.

Friday, Oct. 18 12:00–1:30 p.m.

Keynote luncheon
Location: Drury West Ballroom- 1st Floor (LaSalle and LaFayette Rooms)
Keynote speaker: the Honorable Susan Block, retired St. Louis County Circuit Judge

Friday, Oct. 18 1:40–2:10 p.m.

Procertas Vendor Demo  - Will be rescheduled as a webinar after conference
Location: Sacagawea 

Friday, Oct. 18 2:15 p.m.–3:15 p.m.

Showing Our Spirit
Location: Sacagawea 
*Stefanie Pearlman, University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Law 
*Keelan Weber, University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Law

This program will showcase all that is unique and specialized about MAALL libraries, librarians, and staff by reviving a project originally entitled “Special & Unique Services and Collections,” created in 2010 by Stefanie Pearlman and Brian Striman. This interactive presentation will allow us to share our special collections, areas of expertise, and special skills with each other. We will provide access to the information gathered before and during this presentation in a LibGuide for future reference. We hope this presentation will encourage connections among our colleagues as well as provide MAALL libraries with a useful reference tool.

Spirited Teaching

Location: Lewis 
*Joyce McCray Pearson, Washington University School of Law 
*Dorie Bertram, Washington University School of Law 
*Hyla Bondareff, Washington University School of Law 
*Aris Woodham, Washington University School of Law

The Librarian/Instructors and Team Leader (Dean McCray Pearson) will discuss WashU Law’s recent wholesale revision of its required 1L legal research course. The changes were in response to student and administrative preferences for a more interactive, engaging experience. As a result, the course was completely redesigned to use the Quimbee platform as a text/lecture replacement, while emphasizing interactive, workshop-style exercises in the classroom environment. A variety of online (and off-line) features were incorporated for the first time with varying results, including self-assessment quizzes (in both Quimbee and Canvas). This discussion will address what we think worked, and what we think didn’t, as well as what were good ideas that could have been deployed more effectively. It will also consider potential changes and ‘upgrades’ to the course in future years.

Friday, Oct. 18 3:15–3:30 p.m.

Snack Break

Friday, Oct. 18 3:30–4:30 p.m.

Spirit-generating Webinars and Other Web Conferencing Tools
Location: Sacagawea 
*Matthew Braun, University of Illinois College of Law 
*Anne Robbins, University of Illinois College of Law

Some of us have conducted webinars and other web conferencing, but still feel a bit uneasy about the platforms.  We wonder if we could be using the technology more effectively.  Some of us have never conducted a webinar, and want to know the basics.  Some of us are webinar experts.  Let's share our assorted thoughts and experiences on these increasingly important communication tools.

MAALL Book to Action: Get in the Spirit of Service!
 Location: Lewis 
*Cindy Bassett, University of Missouri School of Law 
*Gail Wechsler, Law Library Association of St. Louis

The MAALL Book to Action program turns five years old this year! Come join us to discuss this year’s chosen They Can’t Kill Us All, even if you have not yet read it. This highly acclaimed and very readable book has a Missouri connection.  It details how on the ground activism in places like Ferguson and Columbia, Missouri let to a new paradigm in addressing issues of racism in our society.  Learn more at

Friday, Oct. 18 4:45–5:45 p.m.

MALLCO Board meeting
Location: Joliet

MAALL Committee Chair meeting

Location: Lewis

Friday, Oct. 18 5:30–7:00 p.m.

Hotel Kickback  
Location: Drury Lobby (Trivia starts at 6:00 in the West Ballroom - LaSalle and LaFayette Rooms)

Saturday, Oct. 19

Saturday, Oct. 19 8:00–9:00 a.m.

Breakfast Buffet
Saint Louis University School of Law  12th Floor Pavilion

MAALL Exec Board meeting  
Location: SLU Law, Room 1248

Saturday, Oct. 19 9:00–9:45 a.m.

Stepping Up Access to the Indiana Code
Location: SLU Law, Room 1030
*Susan deMaine, Indiana University McKinney School of Law 
*Benjamin Keele, Indiana University McKinney School of Law

Superseded state codes represent one of the few major sources of primary law that have not been widely digitized on open access platforms. This poster will describe a project by the Ruth Lilly Law Library at IU McKinney School of Law to digitize the criminal law Title of the Indiana Code from 1971 (when Indiana renumbered its entire code) to 2018. After scanning, the project assigned metadata at the level of statutory code sections, as opposed to just pages, so that a researcher can readily view versions of a given section across time and follow links to amendments in session laws. This project focuses on a particular statutory Title as a pilot, but we hope to scale it up to additional Titles or the entire statutory code from at least the 1970s.

Professional Reading Without the Reading
Location: SLU Law, Room 1032
*Resa Kerns, University of Missouri   
*Cindy Shearrer, University of Missouri

Participants will hear a concise presentation of key ideas from the bestselling book, Dare to Lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts., by research professor, Dr. Brené Brown, and will have an opportunity to discuss some of these ideas with their colleagues. In new research, bestselling author Brené Brown has found that leaders in all sorts of organizations are asking the same question: “How do you cultivate braver, more daring leaders, and how do you embed the value of courage in your culture?” This book attempts to answer that question by offering a collection of four teachable skill sets.

Sat. Oct. 19 10:00–11:00 a.m.

The Spirit of Cooperation: Law Journal and Librarians
Location: SLU Law, Room 1030
*Lynn K. Hartke, Saint Louis University School of Law

The SLU Library Reference Librarians capitalized on an opportunity with our newest journal, the ABA Journal of Labor and Employment Law. We approached the faculty advisors and explained how we could help the journal students by providing training and one on one assistance with researching their article topic. The faculty were receptive and allowed the Reference Librarians to embedded themselves from the start. By sharing our skills and body of knowledge with the students, they could efficiently and effectively conduct research. Better research led to better articles. The Librarians capitalized on our strengths and the journal students benefited.

Get in the Spirit of Change!
Location: SLU Law, Room 1032
*Cindy Bassett, University of Missouri School of Law 
*Jessie Wallace Burchfield, University of Arkansas- Little Rock School of Law 
*Needra Jackson, University of Missouri School of Law

The sands are shifting and the modern academic law library is experiencing great upheaval overall.  But no area of the library has felt these tectonic shifts more than collection development, which has seen changes in purchasing models, content formats, budgets, and staffing.  This program will address the need and strategies for library administrators and librarians to be flexible and fluid in re-imagining the function of collection development in order to maintain relevance and usefulness to our parent organizations.

Saturday, Oct. 19 11:15–12:15 p.m.

Law School and Law Library tour
Location:  SLU, 12th Floor Lobby

Saturday, Oct. 19 11:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m.

Gaming the Ghost in the Machine
Location: SLU Law, Room 1030
*Allison Reeve Davis, Littler Mendelson 
*Christopher Steadham, University of Kansas

This session will explore the concept of gamification and other strategies for engaged instruction, with an emphasis on new technologies and Artificial Intelligence concepts. In both the legal research classroom and the private firm setting, the evolution of research tools is increasingly outpacing our established teaching frameworks. Developing new ways to effectively teach students and colleagues about diverse topics ranging from legal analytics to chatbots can be challenging. In the session we challenge traditional teaching methods and resource adoption strategies through fun games and activities the audience can apply at home institutions. We hope to share some ideas in this area and learn from the audience as well.

Getting into the Spirit of Service Management
Location: SLU Law, Room 1032
*Susan Boland, University of Cincinnati

The Information Technology field has been grappling with service management for years and there are a lot of parallels between the types of services that IT professional provide and those that libraries do. Are there things we can learn from the IT side and apply to library services? This program will start by defining 3 service management frameworks: (1) ITIL, (2) Agile, and (3) Scrum. The program will then identify how they could be applied in library settings, including in everyday work. Participants will leave the program being able to describe each service management framework, explain the differences between the frameworks, and assess where and how the frameworks could be applied in different settings of their library.

Saturday, Oct. 19 12:30-1:30 p.m.

Awesome STL Snacks!    
Location: SLU, 5th Floor Reading Room

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Conference hashtag: #MAALL19

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