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This page provides descriptions of the session programs and posters. For the full schedule, see the mobile friendly page or the complete schedule as a PDF.


7:30-8:30 A.M.

MALLCO Breakfast and General Session, SHS Kress Ballroom

Susan Urban, MALLCO Executive Director
In the MALLCO general session Susan Urban, the Executive Director of the Mid-America Law Library Consortium (MALLCO), will discuss recent and upcoming MALLCO activities.

9:00-10:00 A.M.

MALLCO Paper Workshop A, SHS Main Street Room

9:00–9:30 Paper: The “Fight Song” of International Anti-Bribery Norms and Enforcement: The OECD Convention Implementation’s Recent Triumphs and Tragedies
Heidi Frostestad Kuehl, Northern Illinois University College of Law

This Article identifies the drastic differences in implementation and enforcement of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention norms.  Since its adoption and entry into force in 1999, the international community and parties to the Convention still struggle with combating foreign bribery.  The U.S. is a leader in implementation through the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, but other nations do not have similar domestic statutes and rigor in enforcement or adequate administrative structures for mutual legal assistance or penalties.  This Article provides an introduction to the U.S. and international efforts to curb acts of bribery, provides an overview of the norms and mechanisms for enforcement under the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention, and then analyzes the actual progress of selected G20 nations by examining the most recent Phase 3 peer review reports and any follow-up recommendations.  This data indicates that there are countries with high enforcement, moderate enforcement, and little or no enforcement.

9:30–10:00 Paper Topic:  Who Needs to Think: AI, Legal Research, and Effective Counsel
Therese Clarke Arado, Northern Illinois University College of Law

I will be covering my literature review to date on the effect of AI and online research services with respect to effective advocacy by lawyers.  When I first started looking at this topic, I wanted to focus on the potential rise in ineffective assistance of counsel claims due to inadequate research.  More recent changes in electronic research and inclusion of AI in databases have caused me to expand that idea to look at the evolution of what is considered adequate.  The belief that our results are “good enough” rather than the best and whether this is appropriate for the practice of law.  I hope to receive feedback from attendees on the work so far and future direction of the paper.

MALLCO Roundtable 1A: Acquisitions and Collection Development, SHS Gazebo Room

Needra Jackson, University of Missouri School of Law
The MALLCO Acquisitions and Collection Development Interest Group Roundtable will provide an opportunity to discuss some of the continuing challenges facing acquisition and collection development departments, such as expanded cancellation projects, how to prioritize workflow with reduced personnel, and collaborative projects with the main campus library.

MALLCO Roundtable 1B: Institutional Repositories, SHS River Front Room

Cindy Bassett, University of Missouri School of Law
The Institutional Repository Roundtable is designed to bring together librarians who plan, lead, and/or manage their library’s repository. Law libraries use a variety of platforms and have varying integration with a wider campus repository efforts. The theme of this year’s roundtable is Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue.

  • Something Old: It might ‘old’ news this year, but let’s discuss LawArXiv. Has anyone adopted it as a platform? Are you duplicating content on multiple platforms?
  • Something New: A newer initiative on the horizon is providing Open Educational Resources on repositories. Is this an initiative at your home institution? Have you participated? What role can a repository play in that project?
  • Something Borrowed: Law schools have long been publishers of scholarly content, but law libraries have not always been at the forefront of this effort. As some libraries host the content, we are now ‘borrowing’ the role of publisher. Does that hat fit? Is your library appropriately supporting the role? What can be done differently?
  • Something Blue: What do you do when an innovation ‘blew’ right past you? How do you prioritize the work that you are doing with the repository, either in adding new content or making the existing content more findable?

10:30–11:30 a.m.

MALLCO Paper Workshop B, SHS Main Street Room

10:30–11:00 Paper: The Case School of Law Judge Ben C. Green Law Library: One Hundred and Twenty Five Years in the Making
Joseph Custer, Case Western Reserve University School of Law

The Case School of Law Judge Ben C. Green Law Library: One Hundred and Twenty five years in the Making is a paper adding to the preceding corpus of published histories of various law school libraries. Sundry documented accounts portray the interesting changes that have taken place to the Judge Ben C. Green Law Library in one hundred and twenty five years indicative of the transitions other academic law libraries experienced over the same time period. Starting with a small collection of books donated by part-time faculty and maintained by law students, the paper takes you through the hiring of the first part-time librarian, to having more than a staff of one, to the larger staffs of the turn of the 21st century to the realities of a shrinking academic law library in the wake of shrinking law student attendance and changes in standards in the most recent ten years.

11:00–11:30 Paper Topic:  The Impact of Technology on 21st Century Lawyering:  A Need for Uniform Ethical Standards
Heidi Frostestad Kuehl, Northern Illinois University College of Law

The impact of technology and social media on litigation and infiltration of technology into our domestic and world markets are undeniable.  Currently, ABA Model Rule 1.1 and its associated Comment include a broad requirement of technological competence for an ethical practice.  This Article will identify the obligations of technological competence embodied in Model Rule 1.1 and examine the current cases and ethical decisions that reveal the evolving national and state-specific technological competence standards.  After reviewing the timeline of cases and current scholarly literature, the Article will propose a more specific ethical standard for baseline knowledge of various technologies according to current practice and use of ever expanding technologies by today’s lawyers.  More robust technological guidelines and areas of ethical competence will prepare attorneys to practice law effectively and ethically in the ever expanding digitized landscape of the 21st Century.

MALLCO Roundtable 2A: Reference and Faculty Services, SHS Gazebo Room

Susan Boland, University of Cincinnati College of Law
The Reference and Faculty Services Roundtable will provide a place for librarians to chat about current issues and best practices in providing research and reference assistance to patrons in the library. Join your colleagues for the discussion!

MALLCO Roundtable 2B: Resource Sharing, SHS River Front Room

LeAnn Noland, St. Louis University School of Law
The Resource Sharing Roundtable will cover changes ILL departments have seen over the course of the last year, ways we can market our services to our students and faculty, and ways to create productive relationships with journal editors and staff.

1:30–2:30 p.m.

1A: Gamification in Legal Research Instruction, SHS Gazebo Room

Shannon Kemen, University of Cincinnati College of Law Library
Learning legal research can be a stressful and frustrating experience for law students, who often have limited class time to become proficient in legal research skills. Adding gamelike elements, or gamification, to classroom settings has been shown to reduce students’ fear of failure and encourage teamwork. Using gamification in legal research instruction can help students overcome their research anxiety and focus on learning the skills they need to be successful in practice. During this session the speaker will discuss: what gamification is, how it can be used in the classroom, and ideas for using gamification in legal research exercises. Participants will then break up into small groups to discuss how these ideas could be implemented in their classes.

1B: Leading in Your Library: Developing your Leadership Strategy, SHS River Front Room

Allison Reeve, Littler Mendelson, P.C. , and Matthew Timko, Northern Illinois University College of Law
As legal librarians we have many opportunities to lead, but one must make a plan and reach for opportunities in order to become a successful leader. This session will discuss:

  • leading in your current job, and how to get noticed for your hard work;
  • leading as a volunteer through organizations such as MAALL;
  • using speaking and publishing to become recognized as a leader; and
  • communication styles, difficult conversations and why we must have them, and learning how individuals are motivated.

The session will draw on experiences from the director level, managers, and librarians. Materials will include leadership opportunities at work, in professional development, and in the library community.

3:00–3:45 p.m.

2A: The Stoic Librarian, SHS Gazebo Room

Susan Boland, University of Cincinnati
Are you a control freak? A people pleaser? Do you find yourself over stressed and pushed to the brink by the demands of everyone at work or life? You might learn something from philosophers of the stoic school such as Seneca, Marcus Aurelius, and Epictetus. These ancient philosophers are making a come back! This program will focus on the dichotomy of control and how we can learn to employ stoic strategies to live a happier life.

2B: Winning at Library Orientation: Washburn Law's Amazing Library Race, SHS Main Street Room

Creighton J. Miller, Jr., and Barbara Ginzburg, Washburn University School of Law Library
In 2014, the Washburn Law Library scrapped its traditional 1L orientation program, replacing it with an annual event we call The Amazing Library Race. Each fall, our entire 1L class runs around the library snapping and tweeting crazy photos in answer to questions about the library. Pictures are judged for creativity by a “distinguished” panel of our most arbitrary and capricious law faculty and staff. This program will break down the Race, show off some of our students’ most creative photos, and explain how the event enhances engagement with our students and fosters strategic relationships throughout the law school.

Thursday, Oct. 11 4:00–5:00 p.m.

3A: Cracking the Code: Teaching the Value of Legal Citation, SHS River Front Room

Heather J. E. Simmons, Matthew E. Braun, and Anne E. Robbins, University of Illinois College of Law Library
Law students obsess over the precise details of bluebook formatting, but do not see the value of the substantive information contained within a citation. This program will employ active learning to engage participants in a variety of practical exercises designed to teach “citation literacy,” a term coined by Alexa Chew. Participants will workshop a series of exercises designed to teach students to recognize and understand the meaning within case, statute, and regulation citations.

3B: Keeping Up the Hype: Maintaining Library Relevance and Prominence after the Change Wears Off, SHS Gazebo Room

Jill Kilgore and Allison Reeve, Littler Mendelson, P.C.
(Program runs until 4:45 p.m.) The development and launch of a new initiative often receives intense attention and discussion, but what happens once interest wanes? New endeavors often have a way of casting shadows on the results of a previously anticipated departmental or institutional enterprise. How do you secure the future of your hard-fought project? Soon after its firm debut in July 2016, the #KnowledgeDesk became a mainstay of Littler. Find out at this session why the #KnowledgeDesk has been called, “The best thing Littler’s ever done” and use the results to ensure the continued awareness, growth, and visibility of your initiatives and innovations.

Friday, Oct. 12 9:00–9:45 a.m.

4A: Learning to Exhale: Simple Mindfulness Solutions for Every Law Library, SHS Gazebo Room

Heidi Frostestad Kuehl, Northern Illinois University, and Susan Urban, Oklahoma City University
Many law libraries have responded to patron stressors and the need for mindfulness in myriad ways. From special collections to lending devices or equipment that promote mindfulness to meditation rooms to yoga classes to therapy dogs, mindfulness activities are here to stay and continue to be an expanding service in all types of libraries. This session will describe the mindfulness movement in libraries, explore types of mindfulness activities, summarize effective use of mindfulness activities and collections, and make recommendations for infusion of mindfulness activities in various types of libraries. The presentation will also explore how mindfulness affects the successful practice of law and why mindfulness activities are important to prepare for litigation and other types of stressful work while practicing law.

4B: They Don’t Teach This in Library School: Identifying Ethics in Legal Librarianship, SHS River Front Room

Sarah Peterson Herr and Allison Reeve, Littler Mendelson, P.C.
Are you an ethics mastermind? Come test your ethical prowess with us. We will be examining the grey areas of legal librarianship and delving into the potentially different viewpoints of a world-famous librarian and a reasonably chill research attorney.

Friday, Oct. 12, 10:00–10:45 a.m.

5A: Game On!, SHS Kress Ballroom

Lacy Rakestraw, St. Louis County Law Library
Problem patrons. All of our libraries have them. You KNOW who I’m talking about. They might have high demands, an unclear end-game, or they treat you and your staff like pawns. This roundtable discussion will provide an opportunity to share some favorite war stories and lessons learned, as well as suggesting new tactics for countering these patron moves. Attendees will leave the program with a battle plan for putting problem patrons in check!

5B: Session Cancelled. Going Digital: The Journey of Digitizing the Firm’s Library Routing List, SHS River Front Room

Marisa Glazier-Simila, Michael Best
Collaborating with the firm’s IT department, I used Sharepoint to create an online routing list of library titles where users could quickly and easily login to view and edit their list of subscribed titles.
This more accessible internal website replaced the previous process of sharing a lengthy Word Document of listed titles, which typically would be sent, read once, and disregarded.
I discuss my process from idea, to testing, to promoting, and finally implementing this new internal website across the firm’s multiple locations, which has led to an increase in usage of library materials.

Friday, Oct. 12 11:15 a.m.–12:00 p.m.

6A: The Library's Role in Training the Rural Lawyer, SHS River Front Room

Thomas Sneed, Washburn University School of Law
The shortage of lawyers in rural areas continues to grow. The need to cultivate and adequately prepare students interested in rural practice is also well known. So what can academic law libraries do to assist students for practicing in our less populated areas? This presentation will highlight the issues surrounding the practice of law in rural locations, with a focus on the skills which libraries are uniquely qualified to foster. This includes offering more state-specific legal research training, providing “small benefits” to students (and alumni) to build the library brand, and presenting insight into critical leadership and business skills.

6B: Poster Session, SHS area by the stairs to the Kress Ballroom and in the Main Street Room

Come talk to the poster presenters to explore these topics.

Answering the Call for Wellness in the Legal Profession
Karen Wallace, Drake University Law Library

Recent calls to improve mental health and substance abuse in the legal profession seem to indicate a growing consensus that the problem requires concerted attention. This poster provides one concrete strategy to reduce the stigma of seeking help and suggests an initiative to share efforts to contribute to a healthier profession.

Chatty Chat Bots: Applying Artificial Intelligence
Jill Kilgore, Littler Mendelson, P.C.

See the results of a chat bot initiative and find out why artificial intelligence may be the solution for your institution.

Creating Subject Specific Advanced Legal Research Classes
Anne Hudson, DePaul University College of Law

Law Librarians at DePaul University's College of Law were interested in teaching legal research but first year courses and advanced legal research are already provided by the school. Each one of the four public services librarians took on a subject area of interest to them and proposed a one credit legal research class. This session will detail the step by step process of creating and submitting for approval the classes and where we are now so that interested librarians can replicate our experience at their own institutions.

Developing an Integrated Mobile App: A Win-Win for the Law Library and Law School
Eric Young and Sarah Kammer, University of South Dakota Law Library

Presenters will visually guide attendees through the process of developing a mobile app at USD Law, from idea and development, to marketing and implementation, and finally, to assessment and ongoing changes.  Attendees to the poster session will have the opportunity to view or download the mobile app, and ask questions.  An emphasis of the poster presentation will be collaboration between the Law Library and the Law School and the mutual benefit derived from the project.

The Gamification of the Legal Research Classroom
Blake Wilson and Chris Steadham, University of Kansas School of Law Wheat Law Library

Student involvement in a course that does not utilize the Socratic Method can be a challenge. Gamification, combined with a flipped classroom, may be the key to a successful semester. Drawing upon practical examples and relevant scholarship, this poster considers how you can use game mechanics and flipped classroom concepts to effectively teach legal research. Attendees will find some specific ideas that have worked, lessons learned along the way, and general principles that can be applied in any number of creative ways.

Research Power Hour
Lynn K. Hartke, Vincent C. Immel Law Library, Saint Louis University School of Law

The Vincent C. Immel Law Library created the Research Power Hour Series to increase student and faculty awareness of the library's assets, both personnel and tangible.  The library selects specific areas of law to present in each 60-minute session.  The librarians consult with the law faculty who teach each subject on topic coverage.  Students learn more about the library's databases beyond simple searching.  We introduce nuances of research and lesser-known resources that are important to specific practice areas.  The sessions help students develop their research skills and strategy.  The library also provides lunch to entice student attendance.

UELMA and MAALL: Let's Get to Work!
Matt Timko, Northern Illinois University

The Uniform Electronic Legal Material Act (UELMA) was finalized by the Uniform Law Commission in 2011. Currently 18 states and Washington D.C. have enacted some version of UELMA. However, only 4 MAALL affiliated states (IL, MN, ND, and OH) have enacted UELMA into law. This poster provides an overview of UELMA provisions and offers MAALL librarians resources, ideas, and suggestions for getting UELMA enacted in their states.

Friday, Oct. 12 2:15 p.m.–3:15 p.m.

7A: Developing a Winning Strategy for Library Facilities Management in Three Easy Steps . . . Well, more than three, but who's counting . . ., School of Law, Level 2 Room 244

Sandra B. Placzek, Schmid Law Library, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and Candle Wester, University of South Carolina School of Law
Library facilities management is typically thought of as the care and maintenance of a law library’s physical space. Library facilities management, however, is also examining how our patrons use the space and/or how we adapt the space to our users. This program explores the practical and theoretical ideas of library facilities offering attendees suggestions how ways to develop winning strategies in relation to facilities management and space use in their libraries.

7B: Book to Action, School of Law, Level 2 Room 226

Cindy Bassett, University of Missouri Law School Library
The MAALL Book to Action program provides an opportunity for all of MAALL to read a common book, discuss it, and do a related service project. Join other MAALL members for a moderated discussion of the book The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander. MAALL members are also encouraged to donate books to Project STAND.

Feel free to attend even if you have not read the book. If you have limited reading time, you might want to focus on chapters 3 and 5.

Some questions to think about as you are reading:

  • When do you first remember hearing about the War on Drugs? What were your perceptions of the discussion? Has that changed after reading The New Jim Crow?
  • Have you seen the impact of the War on Drugs on your own community, city, or town?  Have you seen it affect political or social discourse?
  • Professor Michelle Alexander sees the rise of mass incarceration as opening up a new front in the historic struggle for racial justice. Do you agree?
  • How does the current system of mass incarceration in the United States mirror earlier systems of racialized social control? Is the comparison to the Jim Crow laws passed in the early 20th century an accurate one, in your opinion?
  • What is needed to end mass incarceration in the United States?

Friday, Oct. 12 3:45–4:30 p.m.

8A: Indexing the Nebraska Transcript: Who, What, Where, Why and How; Or How You Might Approach Indexing a Publication Unique to Your Institution, School of Law, Level 2 Room 244

Sandy Placzek, Schmid Law Library, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
This presentation discusses an indexing project undertaken to make the historical information in the law college's magazine, THE NEBRASKA TRANSCRIPT, accessible. This session will discuss why the project was undertaken, how the project is progressing, what is included in the index, where the index is stored, and who the index is targeted to.

8B: Winning Strategies for Effectively Tracking and Using Data, School of Law, Level 2 Room 226

Rob Myers, Case Western Reserve University School of Law, John Edwards, Drake University Law Library, Allen Moye and Denise Glynn, DePaul University College of Law, and Jennifer Prilliman, Oklahoma City University
In this session, academic law library directors will share how their libraries track and use statistical data for a variety of library functions. Each panelist directs a library that maintains robust statistics, as they completed or vastly completed the recent academic law library ALLStAR surveys by consistently maintaining data-tracking on an on-going basis. Keeping statistics over the course of a fiscal year requires a strategy regarding what metrics to measure, what tools will be used, and who will track and report on each metric. In turn, well-kept statistics help guide strategic initiatives to improve library services and support institutional missions.

Saturday, Oct. 13 9:00–9:45 a.m.

9A: Taking the Pulse of Your Users and Potential Users, School of Law, Level 2 Room 226

Gail Wechsler, Law Library Association of St. Louis, and Matthew Timko, Northern Illinois University College of Law
An important way to approach the library planning and assessment process is to utilize one or more methods to "take the pulse" of the people who use your library and who may use your library in the future. These methods can include surveys, focus groups and one on one interviews. Learn about best practices and the pros and cons of each approach for reaching out to your patron base and beyond to help you plan programming, enhance resources and more.

9B: The Blind Leading the Blind: Guiding the Visually Impaired in Legal Research, School of Law, Level 2 Room 233

Rena K. Seidler, IU McKinney School of Law, Ruth Lilly Law Library
Teaching a 1L who is totally blind has been both frustrating and inspiring. I will relate my experience teaching and adapting a legal research class. My story will include information about the accessibility of Lexis Advance, Westlaw, and other essential legal research websites, how screenreaders work, dealing with campus assistive technology, countering doubters, and other challenges. You will also see video clips of my student relating his experience and demonstrating the challenges of electronic legal research. This is an opportunity to ask questions, learn why accessibility does not always mean usability, and strategize on providing the best quality research support.

Sat. Oct. 13 10:00–11:00 a.m.

10A: ALLStAR Workshop, Part 1, School of Law, Level 2 Room 244

Bob Dugan, NELLCO, ALLStAR Project Manager
ALLStAR (Academic Law Libraries: Statistics, Analytics and Reports) is a benchmarking tool and data portal that was introduced two years ago to help law librarians and staff learn more about how to use library data to advocate and make decisions for their libraries. The first half of this two-part workshop on ALLStAR Benchmarking will introduce those who are just beginning to work with ALLStAR to the portal, including accessing and navigating the LibPAS system. Bob Dugan, ALLStAR Project Manager, will also guide attendees in the process of working with identified peers and aspirants within the framework.

10B: Winning Strategies for Tech Tool Success, School of Law, Level 2 Room 226

Leslie Behroozi, Marquette University Law Library, Sarah Kammer, University of South Dakota McKusick Law Library, Rebecca Lutkenhaus, Drake University Law Library, Courtney Segota, University of South Dakota McKusick Law Library, and Susan Urban, Oklahoma City University Law Library
Have you ever thought “there must be an easier way to do this” when completing a task at work? In this session, presenters from four MAALL libraries will share how they’ve used technology to develop a winning strategy that increases efficiency and improves workflows within their organizations. The audience will drive the focus of the session by voting on the topics in which they have the most interest, with options including scheduling, reservations, communicating with staff, digital signage, tracking reference transactions, and more.

Saturday, Oct. 13 11:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m.

11A: ALLStAR Workshop, Part 2, School of Law, Level 2 Room 244

Bob Dugan, NELLCO, ALLStAR Project Manager
The second half of the ALLStAR workshop will be spent hands-on with Bob Dugan, ALLStAR Project Manager, working in the portal. Attendees will be creating reports using ALLStAR’s built-in functions. There will be opportunities to use multiple performance indicators from the ALLStAR data collections, filters, running and refining reports, graphs and tables, and downloading data into Excel, and benchmarking. Dugan will dig into using ALLStAR to identify best practices, and answer attendee questions about using the ALLStAR.

11B: Challenging Conventional Wisdom: Conducting Empirical Research to Help Yourself and Others, School of Law, Level 2 Room 226

Stefanie Pearlman, Schmid Law Library, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and Karen Wallace, Drake University Law Library
Conventional wisdom can lead us astray. This presentation will discuss how two law librarians decided to investigate assumptions related to legal research in their jurisdictions by conducting and publishing empirical research. After briefly explaining their own projects, the presenters will draw on the lessons learned in their experiences to discuss how you can develop a winning strategy for your own research project. Topics covered will include identifying a topic, finding the time to research, structuring your research, why you should consider doing your own empirical research, and potential problems to avoid.

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