Venue: Milwaukee Marriott Downtown
The 2017 Joint Annual Meeting of MAALL, LLAW, MichALL, MALL, and CALL is just around the corner. The meeting registration site will be open soon but in the meantime see below for a preview of the excellent programming offered at this year’s meeting. We are looking forward to a great meeting and hope to see all of you in Milwaukee!
2017 Programs & Speakers (PDF)
Program Schedule (PDF)Joel Scheuher, Business Reference Librarian, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan
So you are asked to do some background research on a company, but don’t exactly have the best tools on hand. Traditional legal databases may not be suited for business research and free sources on the open web come with their own caveats. Public company information is plentiful, but what about private companies? This session will focus on business databases that collect information about private companies. Sources for different levels of budget will be highlighted along with techniques to get to the bare naked truth behind this hard-to-find information.
Rebecca Lutkenhaus, Drake Law Library
Karen Wallace, Drake Law Library
Librarians can be valuable partners, working with others in the institution to further its mission. However, some institutional cultures and hierarchies can make true collaboration difficult. Through discussion and research results, this session will consider the extent of the problem, barriers to full participation in the institution, success stories, and strategies to find fulfillment in your work.
Heather Simmons, University of Illinois College of Law
Anne Robbins, University of Illinois College of Law
At the Illinois College of Law we teach legal research using a "hybrid" flipped classroom model. To have more control over our content, we created a LibGuide to replace our former textbook. We also use LibGuides to supplement seminar courses taught by doctrinal faculty. Our embedded librarians use them to help students select topics and research seminar papers and we produce libguides to address specific research needs of our constituencies. We will guide you through the process of creating an alternative textbook and show additional examples where we use libguides to forge stronger bonds between the library, students, and faculty.
Jesse Bowman, Electronic Research, Technology, and Instructional Services Librarian, Pritzker Legal Research Center, Northwestern Pritzker School of Law
This session will focus on strategies for incorporating data analytics and artificial intelligence tools into legal research instruction, with the goal of producing forward-thinking, practice-ready graduates. Tools such as Ravel’s Judge and Motion Analytics, Casetext’s CARA, Lex Machina, and Bloomberg Law’s Litigation Analytics will be discussed. Attendees will leave with several strategies for crafting exercises that expose students to these new tools.
Corie Dugas, Executive Director, NELLCO
Margie Maes, Executive Director, LIPA
Susan Urban, Executive Director, MALLCO
LawArXiv is an emerging collaborative initiative of the LIPA, MALLCO, NELLCO, and Cornell Law Library. Its mission is to empower the scholarly legal community and champion open access principles by ensuring community ownership of legal scholarship. This session will provide more information about the goals, objectives, and governance of the open-access repository. Presenters will walk through the status of the project, submitting papers, and searching. Attendees who are participating in the repository will be encouraged to impart insights. Presenters and attendees will share suggestions for library involvement and brainstorm next steps.
Darin Fox, Associate Dean and Director of the Law Library, University of Oklahoma
Ken Hirsh, Director of the Law Library and Professor of Practice, University of Cincinnati
Heidi Frostestad Kuehl, Northern Illinois University College of Law, David C. Shapiro Memorial Law Library, Director and Associate Professor of Law
Michael Robak, Associate Director of the Law Library & Director of Law School Information Technology, University of Missouri Kansas City
Randy Diamond, Director of the Law Library & Technology Resources, University of Missouri
New technologies have changed society in monumental ways, and the practice of law is no exception. These changes are creating new job opportunities for inventive law school graduates. To meet these changing needs students need hands-on, practical experience with a variety of tools while also acquiring a deeper understanding of the legal and ethical ramifications that surround the use of these technologies. In this panel the speakers will address methods for teaching such topics as cloud computing; artificial intelligence systems; technology-assisted review and eDiscovery; mobile lawyering; courtroom and presentation technologies; information security and maintaining client confidentiality.
Barbara Bean, Adjunct Instructor & Reference Librarian III, Michigan State University College of Law, Schaefer Law Library
Jane Meland, Adjunct Instructor & Assistant Director for Public Services Librarian, Michigan State University College of Law, Schaefer Law Library
Flipped classrooms are great for facilitating experiential learning, but what about legal research concepts and theories that don’t quite fit into this hands-on approach? Are there ways to reinforce concepts such as research strategy, sources, and research specific vocabulary using the flipped classroom format? Yes! In this presentation we’ll present and discuss interactive techniques that we’ve incorporated into our flipped Advanced Legal Research course that promote mastery of legal research concepts, vocabulary and theories.
Beth E. Applebaum, Librarian, Liaison to Experiential Learning Programs, Arthur Neef Law Library, Wayne State University
Jan Bissett, Librarian, Reference & Faculty Liaison Services, Arthur Neef Law Library, Wayne State University
Many academic [law] libraries serve a variety of patrons beyond the law school community. How does your library support alumni, self-represented litigants and the legal community?
Allison C. Reeve, Littler Mendelson, PC,
Christopher L. Steadham, University of Kansas School of Law Wheat Law Library
Lacy Rakestraw, St. Louis County Law Library, Director
The most fortunate new students, attorneys and judges encounter law libraries via “orientation” events or “on-boarding” processes. In other cases, “thrown to the wolves” is perhaps a more accurate description. Organizations benefit when new legal researchers find their way to the library early and often. Increasingly, however, librarians must proactively create opportunities to grab the attention of newcomers early in their academic or professional careers. It sounds easy, but programs must be strategically developed, training sessions continuously evaluated, and relevant communication consistently maintained. This session will cover orientation methods, library services that promote ongoing collaboration, and the best methods to keep patrons coming back for more.
Susan Boland, Associate Director of Public and Research Services, University of Cincinnati
87% of employees worldwide are not engaged in their jobs. How can law libraries build teams that understand each other's abilities, trust each other, and effectively implement strategies based on this understanding and trust? How can librarians and staff identify and develop their own strengths and learn to work with other's strengths? How can managers build better teams? This program will explore some of the ways individuals and managers can identify and develop strengths that will enable them to truly be better together!
Kristina Martinez, Outreach Services Librarian, Wisconsin State Law Library
In this session, participants will learn tips and tricks for presenting and communicating their message all while staying calm and cool in the chaos of public speaking. Short listening and communication exercises will be used and we will learn how to apply skills to engage our audiences. We will also focus on preparation and post presentation evaluation. Participants will take away skill building tools to apply in their everyday. Every presenter has a style. What’s yours?
Heidi Frostestad Kuehl, Northern Illinois University College of Law, David C. Shapiro Memorial Law Library, Director and Associate Professor of Law
Jeanna Hunter, Northern Illinois University College of Law, Director of Academic Success Program
Meredith Stange, Northern Illinois University College of Law, Director of Legal Writing Program
Therese Clarke Arado, Northern Illinois University College of Law, David C. Shapiro Memorial Law Library, Deputy Director and Professor
Context is an important part of the student research and writing experience. Neither researching nor writing happen in a vacuum. The two are forever linked. In order to provide a well-balanced research and writing experience it is essential that the departments covering these areas have a good working relationship. This program will feature panelists from the Northern Illinois University Law Library and Legal Writing department who will share the successes and challenges faced when working across departments to achieve an enhanced student learning experience. Suggestions for getting the conversation started in your home institutions will also be presented.
Eric Brust, U.S. Court of Appeals, 8th Circuit, Director
Lacy Rakestraw, St. Louis County Law Library, Director
Everyone wants a healthy, flourishing relationship with their supervisor. And everyone knows that they play a role in how they are being managed. How can you make sure you play a role you want and excel at? We propose that you take an active part in managing your boss, also known as managing up. We will teach you what managing up is and how to do it successfully, so that you and your manager can best work together to steer your organization’s ship in the right direction. This session is intended to be of use to all levels of librarians, from front line staff to directors.
Clanitra Stewart Nejdl, Reference & Instructional Services Librarian and Assistant Professor, David C. Shapiro Memorial Law Library
Annie Mentkowski, Agency Librarian, United States Railroad Retirement Board Library
Lindsey Ann Carpino, Digital Resource Analyst, Sidley Austin LLP
This program explores the uses of current awareness items (e.g., news articles, blogs, etc.) by librarians for the benefit of their constituencies. Potential uses in academic, government, and law firm libraries are emphasized. However, this information can be adapted by librarians of all types. The presenters will share their best practices for staying current, staying organized, utilizing professional networks to expand information possibilities, and not getting overwhelmed by information.
Victoria Coulter, Associate Director for Collections & Administration, University of Wisconsin Law Library
Bonnie Shucha, Deputy Director, University of Wisconsin Law Library
Library staff who feel valued and recognized for the work that they do are more motivated and productive than those who don’t. This program will help supervisors and managers understand what motivates employees and how to meaningfully recognize and reward staff achievement.
Karen Westwood, Director, Anne W. Grande Law Library (Hennepin County)
Lois Thompson, Director, Hennepin County Library
Court and County Law Libraries who are funded by filing fees have been confronting shrinking budgets for years (see AALL: Explore Funding Opportunities for Law Libraries Task Force Report of 2000 and Sonoma County’s more recent While many avenues have been explored, one option is for a county law library to partner with its local public library. The Hennepin County Law Library entered into a verbal agreement with the Hennepin County Library in 2014; hired a new law library director in 2015 and approved a written cooperative agreement with the county in 2017. The benefits to both parties are many and will be discussed in detail by the two library directors.
Paul Healey, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Senior Instructional Services Librarian
Pauline Afuso, Director, Washington County Law Library
Karen Westwood, Director, Anne W. Grande Law Library (Hennepin County)
Because of the increasing number of patrons visiting self-help centers and “lawyers in the library” programs, patrons who seek help at public and academic law libraries commonly ask for legal advice instead of legal information. What is the best way to respond? Paul Healey will pull back the layers in order to determine whether the information request was really a request for advice, and will also present options for how to respond. The panel will present several scenarios for audience members to vote on – did the librarian give legal information or legal advice? Attendees will have a chance to relate their own experiences with difficult questions and have Prof. Healey and fellow attendees weigh in on best practices in those circumstances.
Lisa M. Winkler, Clinical Services Librarian, Northwestern Pritzker School of Law, Pritzker Legal Research Center
Jennifer Haas, Branch Librarian, Milwaukee County Law Library
Diana Koppang, Library Manager, Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg LLP
Legal assistance clinics provide crucial services on a wide range of issues, from small business advice to bankruptcy filings to enabling access to the the courts and justice. Clinics rely on volunteer attorneys, paralegals, librarians, and students to be viable. With the American Bar Association’s requirements for experiential education and employers demanding graduates with practical knowledge, clinical training is now an integral and valuable part of the law school experience. Join us as we explore several different models of how law libraries play a pivotal role in clinical operations and education.
Debbie Ginsberg, Chicago-Kent
Emily Barney, Chicago-Kent
We’ll showcase 60 of our favorite technology tips, apps, programs, and websites that you can use for teaching research, explaining tech concepts, using technology, improving efficiency, and having fun! Some of these are ours - and some from all of you (share your tip here).
Virginia C. Thomas (panelist & moderator), Chair, MichALL Archives Committee (incoming)
In 1939, the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) created procedures governing the establishment of local Chapters. Since then, the number of AALL Chapters has grown to thirty. Each Chapter serves a specific geographic region, offering members access to educational and networking opportunities as well as social events. Many have been active advocates for legislation and social change at the state and federal levels. Collectively, they have almost eighty years of stories to be told. Their rich history is documented in the records they produce. Panelists will present brief overviews of how their respective Chapters preserve the legacy of their membership. Our goal is to stimulate an audience-wide dialog about the benefits and challenges of managing Chapter archival resources.
Jill L. Kilgore, Littler Mendelson
What commonalities do steam engines, power looms, and PCs share? For over two centuries, humans have argued that each of these technologies would displace human workers. As we enter the “second machine age,” artificial intelligence threatens to displace workers. New research argues both for and against this future, with some suggesting technological unemployment as a fallacy, while others argue that it is inevitable and presently influencing the job market. In this poster presentation, I will provide an overview of the rise of artificial intelligence, summarize historical arguments surrounding the technology, and explore how A.I. relates to information professionals in 2017.
Debbie Ginsberg, Chicago-Kent
Emily Barney, Chicago-Kent
Clare Gaynor Willis, Northwestern Pritzker School of Law
Scott Vanderlin, University of Chicago
At Chicago-Kent, librarians teach one-off classes in legal writing, seminar, and other courses. To help the faculty better understand what instruction we can provide. the librarians created a series of specialized and adaptable legal research and technology instruction modules. Research modules cover topics such as statutory research and free/low-cost resources. Technology modules feature topics such developing students' skills with Microsoft Word as well as presentation skills. Faculty can choose the modules that best fit their needs. We will explain how we developed these modules, marketed them, and how any library can use this concept.
Karen Westwood, Director, Anne W. Grande Law Library (Hennepin County) Member - MALL and AALL
Lois Thompson, Director, Hennepin County Library
Hennepin County Law Library (HCLL) joined Hennepin County Library (HCL) in creating “pop up” libraries in Minneapolis’ Cedar Riverside neighborhood. These grant-funded pop ups brought services into the neighborhood using mobile technology, Wi-Fi hotspots, books, and “branding” to give the pop ups the feel of a local HCL branch. Prior surveying of residents, many of whom are Somali immigrants, indicated a desire for language and computer literacy skills for signing legal documents, job training, and citizenship classes. HCLL provided a law librarian at each pop up event to highlight information and services offered by HCLL. The law librarian advised residents about free online legal resources, legal resources at public libraries, and legal questions best directed to law libraries. The HCL and HCLL directors will discuss this program and its popularity.
Heather Buckwalter, Creighton University Law Library
In recent years, many libraries have undergone major renovations. In many of those cases, staff have struggled with relocating the collection during the renovation. In this presentation, learn how Creighton Law Library is undergoing a major renovation this summer without moving the collection. See how the staff prepared for the renovation while still providing as much access to information as possible.Julie Tessmer, Wisconsin State Law Librarian
We offer a variety of services to law librarians, attorneys, and the general public. From interlibrary loan to reference services, and research databases to archived materials, learn how we can help you and your users.
Sharon L. Nelson, Northern Illinois University College of Law
Many academic libraries assist faculty in uploading their scholarship to institutional repositories and other online services. However, this can be a complex process: copyright permissions need to be verified; the source and format of documents to be posted must meet copyright, database vendor, and IR standards; appropriate metadata needs to be created; and each stage in the process must be tracked to ensure no “cats” get lost along the way. This poster describes the Access database I created to manage the uploads of our faculty’s scholarship.
Lynn K. Hartke, Saint Louis University School of Law
The Personal Librarian program at the Immel Law Library builds bonds between students and librarians. In the first semester of school, first-year students are assigned reference librarians, who then send their students personal emails introducing themselves and the program. The students gain a better understanding of the available library resources. The relationship often reaches beyond the first year, as students continue to utilize the library and its services during law school and after graduation, as their legal careers progress.
Heather Simmons University of Illinois College of Law
Wellness and self-care are words we hear, especially in the context of lawyers and law students, but what about law librarians? Our days are filled with deadlines, interruptions, and difficult patrons. Self-care and wellness combat the everyday stressors of our profession. Efforts to be mindful, setting limits, and knowing when to ask for help are steps we can take towards a less stressful life. Part of a collaborative effort between two AALL special interest sections (RIPS-SIS & LISP-SIS), this poster session is a sneak peek at a forthcoming AALL white paper on how law librarians can combat stress and burnout.
Michael Samson, Wayne State University Law Library
The vast amounts of law-related content uploaded daily to government web sites reflects the growing preference for electronic information among Federal Depository Libraries. Yet, discovering and accessing this information can be particularly challenging for individuals who are unfamiliar with our legislative, judicial, and administrative systems. This interactive poster will illustrate how digital tools can be used to curate government/legal information to facilitate more meaningful access by a community of users. Examples highlight how blogs, alert services, and others can help identify, contextualize, and share the most relevant information from web-based government sources to facilitate Access to Justice.
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