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MAALL Standing Committees: 2024-2025

Bylaws Committee
Charge: Propose and submit changes, additions, and deletions to MAALL Bylaws

Board Liaison: Deanne Fix

Chair: Janet McKinney

Ellen Jones

Creighton Miller

Steve Probst

DEI Committee

Charge: Responsible for ensuring that MAALL is fulfilling the responsibilities to promote and foster diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) among the membership and leadership within the organization and the profession.

Board Liaison: Matt Timko

Chair: Gail Wechsler


Laura Dixon Caldwell
Ariel Newman

Matt Timko

Education Committee

Charge: Prepare the upcoming Annual Meeting program and recommend other educational possibilities for MAALL.

Board Liaison and Chair:
 Lexi Brennan

Benjamin Keele

Rebecca Lutkenhaus
Ariel Newman
Ryan S. Overdorf

Grants Committee

Charge: Establish criteria for award of grants, publicize availability, and select recipients. (Note: Members of the committee cannot apply for MAALL grants.)

Board Liaison: Jennifer Mart-Rice

Chair: Miriam Murphy

Lisa Gooden

Philip Johnson

Janet McKinney

Creighton Miller

Tamara Lakeisha Rogers

Library School Liaison
Charge: Encourage the involvement of library school students in MAALL and in law librarianship in general.

Board Liaison: Deb Grimm

Chair: Tommy White

Cindy Bassett

Allison Reeve Davis

Austin Hankins

Shannon Kemen
Franky Newcomb

Ashley Russell

Local Arrangements Committee 
Charge: Coordinate local arrangements for the annual meeting.

Board Liaison: Matt Timko

Chair: Joe Custer

Members: TBA

Local Arrangements Manual 

Membership Committee
Charge: Encourage law librarians, law library staff, and library school students in our region to join MAALL in coordination with the Public Relations Committee; welcome new members; ensure that the MAALL directory and discussion list are accurate; and contact members who fail to renew.

Board Liaison: Jennifer Mart-Rice

Chair: Deanne Fix

Megan Donald

Vivian Eldridge
Deb Grimm

Rebecca Lutkenhaus

Nominating Committee
Charge: Select a slate of candidates for elected offices.

Board Liaison: Le'Shawn Turner

Chair: Le'Shawn Turner

Rachel Ford

Debbie Mayfield

Franky Newcomb

Steve Probst

Public Relations Committee

Charge: Submit announcements for inclusion in AALL Spectrum and prepare MAALL display for AALL exhibit hall.

Board Liaison: Crystal Bauer

Chair: Ashley Russell

Emma England
Shannon Kemen

Tamara Lakeisha Rogers

Franky Young

Website Committee
Charge: Responsible for the design, organization and maintenance of the association website.

Board Liaison: Crystal Bauer

Chair: Rachel Ford

David Whelan
Ryan S. Overdorf

MAALL History Committee (ad hoc)

Charge: Review list of MAALL officers and posted MAALL history.

Board Liaison: Matt Timko

Chair: Karen Wallace

Vivian Eldridge
Joe Custer

Cross-Institutional Task Force

Co-chairs: Allison Reeve Davis & Eugene Giudice

Task Force: Vision Planning

Charge: Develop goals that MAALL can accomplish over the next three years. Working from the 2016-19 Strategic Plan, the Task Force created the 2020-2023 Plan.

Board Liaison: Lexi Brennan

Chair: Benjamin Keele


Laura Dixon-Caldwell
Sarah Maxwell Leckband
Allison Reeve-Davis

MAALL Markings Editorial Board and Columnists
Charge: Publish the quarterly newsletter, MAALL Markings, on the Web and explore ways of expanding its content.

Board Liaison: Matt Timko

Editor-in-Chief: Therese Clarke Arado
Associate Editor: Sarah Kammer
Layout Editor: Amy Backes
State Member News Editor: Hyla Bondareff
State Member News Liaisons: 
Melissa Serfass (AR), Rebecca Lutkenhaus (IA), Lindsey Carpino (IL), Pam Crawford (KS), Stefanie Pearlman (NE), Deanne Fix (MO), Susan Urban (OK), Sarah Kammer (SD), Leslie Behroozi (IN, ND, OH, TN, & WI)
Columnists: Gail Wechsler, Matt Timko, Autumn Collier

Task Force: MAALL Technology (on hiatus)

Task Force: UELMA Passage in MAALL States (on hiatus)

Charge: Monitor and advocate for UELMA passage in MAALL states.

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