The MAALL Annual Meeting will be held Thursday, November 7 through Saturday, November 9 in Lincoln, Nebraska! This year’s theme is Back to Basics. For more information, check out the 2024 Annual Meeting page.
Register by Oct. 1 for the early bird rate.
Registration ends Oct. 23, 2024!
All attendees should fill out their own registration form.
MAALL members: To choose the member rate, be sure to log in to Wild Apricot or use the email address MAALL has associated with your membership. (The log in button is in the upper right. Once you click that, there is a forgot password link available, if needed. Enter the email address where you receive MAALL emails.) Please contact if you are having trouble registering.
If an institution wants to pay for all its registrants with a single check (or credit card transaction), please do the following: